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The Oregon Coast

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

Oregon, USA.

This was in the Siuslaw National Forest, outside of Waldport. I know this isn't a great photo, but I wanted to include it because I love Oregon's green.

The unique thing about this was that there was nobody here. I spent about three days wandering around this forest and I barely saw a soul. I heard birds. It smelled good. Oregon is the best.

I went to visit Griff and his lovely wife Molly who were kind enough to let me sleep in their backyard. As they went to their 9-5, I hiked up these hills. Fun fact: Oregon is the only state on the west coast with public beaches along its entire coastline.

Sleeping on the beach.

The last time we hooped at the 4560 house. Moriah took these. From left to right: Paul, me, Tim and Matt. In this photo, we see Tim in his element, naturally establishing dominance.

Haha sorry Matt. This is Tim and I with serious ownage. I feel bad that I'm showing this, so the next picture is of Matt beating me.

By the way, Matt is about 6'8" now. No just kidding. But he is big and strong.

This marks the end of the road trip. This was taken on the hills between the coast and the Willamette valley looking east into Oregon.


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