My initial time in Oregon was awesome. It was non-stop hikes and reunions. I've never hiked around the Bend area in central Oregon or Mt. St. Helens. There are even large swaths of Mt. Hood I've never explored, so I got to work.
This was taken looking north across Hood River. Our hike was up Cooper Spur and we walked next to Eliot Glacier.
Mt. Adams with the photobomb.
Paul and I then rocked a short camping trip up to Mt. St. Helens. I've always wanted to see it, but never got around to it when I lived there. It was spectacular and I'm super glad Paul joined me.
We all know about the eruption, but if you're bored, it is definitely worth Googling photos of it going off.
Paul and I were both impressed with the foliage. To our delight, the area has definitely recovered.
This short but enjoyable day hike put us up near a research station on top of a hill overlooking Mt. St. Helens. Almost as soon as we got to the top, clouds rolled in.
Good times as Paul joined me exploring the wonderful world of bourbon.